Hallo this time I will give you the list of the strongest Pokemon in pokemon 9 go
Before you can search for Tips and tricks About Pokemon Go by clicking
Just Go Ahead!
Before you can search for Tips and tricks About Pokemon Go by clicking
Just Go Ahead!
- Gyarados
- Lickitung
- Exeggutor
- Lapras
- Arcanine
- Snorlax
- Dragonite
Well quite a Few from me thanks
Makasih banyak gan infonya.. Ini pokemon pasti rare
BalasHapusSama-sama gan ^^
Hapusnyari pokemon ini hehe
BalasHapusWidih Good Luck Ya Gan ^^
Hapussemoga dapet nih pokemon wkwk
BalasHapusGood Luck Ya Gan ^^